10 Foods for Beautiful Skin
I like to search the web for great health & wellness content to share with you. This article is shared with permission from our friends at What’s Up USANA.
We’ve all heard the saying: treat your body like a temple, meaning to be mindful of what you put into it, because you only get one.
That’s great advice because we put a lot of food into our bodies, and I’ve found that what we eat can also have a major impact on how our skin looks and feels.
For the newest Inside Beauty post, I’m sharing my 10 favorite foods for beautiful, healthy skin.
1. Fish
Fish such as salmon, mackerel or tuna contain fish oils with omega-3 fatty acids. These essential fatty acids are an important component of cell membranes that help maintain cell structure and function. They can help assist in fortifying the skin’s barrier, making it more resilient to environmental pollutions and sun exposure.
But for all you fish-haters, don’t fret — you can still get these important omega-3s by taking a high-quality fish oil supplement like USANA’s
(High-quality, ultra-pure fish oil supplement for under $25).
2. Almonds
Almonds are a great source of vitamin E, which helps to protect the skin from sun damage and promotes healthy skin growth. Almonds also have various antioxidants that can help reduce the look of fine lines and wrinkles. (Plus a handful of almonds help keep hunger at bay too.)
3. Kiwi
Did you know that kiwi is an even more potent source of vitamin C than your average citrus fruit?
Well it’s true, and vitamin C is great for maintaining healthy skin and has been known to help reduce the appearance of skin blemishes.
4. Kale
It’s not that pretty to look at, but Kale is packed with vitamins A and C.
“Vitamin A is the ‘gold standard’ for helping healthy skin look younger longer,” says USANA Spokeswoman Amy Chalmers, CDT and founder of Natural Skin Solutions. “It is also known as the ‘Mother Vitamin’ in terms of skin rejuvenation and maintaining skin beauty.”
5. Dark Chocolate
Who doesn’t love chocolate? (Crazy people, that’s who.) It’s nice to know that when you’re indulging (not too much) in your special dark treat, you’re consuming antioxidants that fight against free radical damage.
Antioxidants are a crucial component of skin care, as everyone is exposed to free radical damage on a consistent basis.
6. Tomatoes
Lycopene is the compound in tomatoes that give them their rich color. Neat, right? That’s not all. Lycopene is also a powerful antioxidant that helps rid skin-damaging free radicals from ultraviolet exposure.
7. Apples
Apples contain many beneficial nutrients and fiber to help support your intestinal health, making a happier healthier you. You might even say, an apple a day can keep the dermatologist away.
So grab an apple, and keep a high fiber diet to keep things moving smoothly.
8. Sweet Potatoes
Rich in beta-carotene and vitamin A make this a superfood! Containing vitamins A, B, C, K and E, sweet potatoes are one of the most nutritious foods when it comes to skin benefits.
Plus the beta-carotene has antioxidant properties that help fight damage caused by free radicals.
9. Green Tea
Did you know green tea has amazing skin-health properties?
In a study published in the Archives of Dermatology, it states that whether taken orally or applied to the skin, green tea can help reduce the risk of damage from ultraviolet light.
10. Water
There is no question that proper hydration plays a key role in keeping skin looking healthier and younger. But water also helps move toxins out of the body, which can help skin looking better, longer.
More Good News!
You’re hungry now, right? Well, there’s even more good news!
Many of these foods aren’t just healthy for your skin — they promote overall health as well. So curb your cravings by chowing down and nourishing your skin all at the same time.
Helping you be your healthiest and happiest self!