Doesn't a good sleep allow you to feel rested, rejuvenated and positive? All of us desire deep, restful sleep, but many of us never achieve it. Some people go to great lengths to get a good night's sleep and turn to sleeping pills, tranquilizers or alcohol. ( I was one of those that went for the sleeping pill, and I will tell you more about this in a minute) Others will try to induce sleep by watching TV to numb their mind and to stop the wheels of their brain from turning.
Sleep is one of the essentials to great health and wellness. I have found that since I began using the two principles of eating and I became more serious about exercise/stretching time in my schedule, I actually began to sleep more naturally. I had been dealing with insomnia, panic-attacks and starting using sleeping pills. I noticed when I was using the sleeping pill, I would obviously sleep, because I would catch myself snoring (which I had never done before) and yet, I did not feel like I had rested at all! It was an artificial means of getting rest, putting a band-aid on the problem instead of directly taking care of whatever it is that is keeping me from a refreshing sleep. Often this band-aid dependency leads to other problems as well.
Personally, when I began to eat healthier, I never expected to start sleeping better. I was just focusing on minimizing my blood pressure, adrenal fatigue, and always feeling tired. As I ate more raw and fresh fruits and veggies, and included micro-nutrients to my diet, and was doing research on currant medical journals and health articles on sleep, they all stated this same fact: People who sleep less than 6 hours a night increase the risk for developing disease. I began to connect the dots between good health and good sleep.
Our bodies, internal and external, need rest. our minds need rest from the daily grinds. One of the reasons we may not sleep well at night is if we snack too late at night. This actually forces your body to digest during the night. Not good! Your internal organs cannot rest, because they have alot of work to do.. Our muscles repair at night during sleep. Give them the permission to do so, without being interrupted with food digestion.
Anxiety, worry and problems in our lives that we cannot seem to want to let go keep us from having a good nights sleep, as well. These sleep deficiencies can lead to obesity, tension, anger, and a host of other problems. Fatigue can hamper our coping skills and make life gloomy. Ever lash out on someone (like your children/spouse) for something insignificant just because you felt crummy from lack of sleep?
As you begin using the 2 nutrition principles, ask the Lord to touch your sleep as well. A good night's sleep will come quite easy. As your body flushes of the toxins that had been built up inside of you, you will begin to get that deep refreshing sleep again!
These toxins were causing nerve irritation which, in turn, does not allow a good sleep. It's not healthy to be deprived from a good nights sleep!
I will share the 2 Principle Steps in greater detail later this week..
But for now here are the 2 brief snips on it:
Principle 1; Eat what was created for food. (whole foods)
Principle 2: Eat foods in their most natural, unprocessed state. (Fresh)
If you are not sleeping well, or know someone who isn't, the following list offers suggestions that help:
1. Go to bed and get up about the same time every day.
this helps to reinforce your body's sleep-wake cycle and can help you fall asleep faster.
2. Do not drink large amounts of water before bedtime. It makes you get up and go to the bathroom, and that light in the darkness effects your brain waves, and you miss out on precious hours of level 4 deep sleep!
3. Exercise regularly. Just not 3 hours before going to bed.
4. Get plenty of fresh air and sunshine.
This helps your body get calcium and absorb the food you eat, and soothes the nerves.
5. Take a warm bath to help you relax. Add a cup of Epsom salt, several drops of Lavender and Lemon Grass Essential Oils
6. Keep your bedroom cool, dark, and quiet. Unplug all electronics in your bedroom.
7. If you must wear clothing, keep them loose and non-restricting. Melatonin is a hormone our bodies release in relation to darkness, and it helps us sleep. Studies show that the release is lessened when wearing tight clothing.
8. Use sleep aids as a last resort. They are so hard on your body. Try calming warm teas, natural melatonin, Valerian, and warm milk.
9. I am adding this last, but please do it first. Say a Prayer. Thank the Lord that He gives you sweet sleep. Ask Him to wrap you up in His Arms and allow you to simply sleep right there. Imagine yourself in His arms until you fall asleep! Just the thought comforts you..
10. You may also want to play soft soothing nature music.
These are a few..
Keep searching.. the answer will come!
I promise!
It did for me!
I look forward to a good nights rest, and know that this is what heals you!
It did me!
Until later this week, when I expand on the Principles I shared about earlier..
Be in Health,
Lorene Hochstetler